Manhunt вики
Дэниэл Лэмб
Появился в: Manhunt 2
Имя: Дэниэл Лэмб
Также известен как Дэнни
Доктор Лэмб
Дэвид Джойнер
Национальность: Американец
Родился: 29 мая 1963
Бизнес: Проект
Противники: Лео Каспер
Доктор Пикман
Стэнли Грикс
Все Охотники
Статус: Жив (как Дэвид Джойнер)
Озвучен: Птолеми Слокам

Дэниэл "Дэнни" Лэмб — главный герой и первый прогагонист в Manhunt 2.


Daniel was a scientist with the Pickman Project but ended up locked away in the Dixmor Asylum for the Criminally Insane for six years, before escaping during a power outage. Daniel has a second personality in his mind by the name of Leo, a psychopathic killer who "helps" Daniel in killing everyone the Project sends after him.


Daniel shows much remorse for his victims (unlike Leo or James Earl Cash) and vomits after his first execution. He also expresses anger at Leo at some points: for example, after killing many Watchdogs in one level, he throws away his weapon, claiming he is sick of killing. However, as the game progresses, he gets more and more addicted to it - a sign that Leo is taking over his mind - forcing Dr. Whyte to cleanse his memories at the end of the game. He shows great care for his family and volunteers for an experiment just to support them.

Ранняя жизнь

Дэниэл родился 29 мая 1963 года, жил в Сан-Фиерро вплоть до окончания университета Сан-Фиерро в 1985 with a degree in biochemistry[2]. A year later he found work as lab technician for Green and Becker Pharmaceuticals Inc. and worked there for three years. After that, in 1989 he became a research associate for McKenzie Druchner Inc. until he begun working for the Project.

He became one of the top scientists for the Pickman Project and invented a drug called Cortexa[3]. He was married and had two kids, a girl and a boy, but at some point went into great debt and volunteered for an experiment, which his family disapproved. He had a second personality planted in his mind artificially called Leo; however Leo took control over Daniel .



Leo now wants the Pickman Bridge removed so that he can control Danny fully and threatens Danny's friend Michael to do so. Danny (being controlled by Leo) kills Michael and many of the Project Militia who arrived to kill Danny because Leo is out of control. Leo decides to get revenge, so convinces Danny to kill a Project official, Stanley Grex at the Maibatzu Plaza with a Sniper Rifle and later destroy their records so they can disappear.

Leo then takes control and makes Danny kill his own wife and is then locked away in Dixmor Asylum.



Six years later, a power failure at the Asylum allows Danny to escape in the chaos, not remembering anything about his past. Danny kills many Orderlies and Inmates as Leo helps him escape in the back of a Trashmaster. They head to Danny's old house to collect some Cortexa to help Danny remember, but run into the Watchdogs and kill them. Danny decides to follow a clue he left behind and they arrive at the Strip Club and Fetish Dungeon in search of Judy but have to deal with the Pervs, who work for the Project. Judy tells Danny to go to the safe house, so he makes his way past a gang called the Red Kings, some local Cops and more Watchdogs as he finds the safehouse where he changes clothes and has a shootout with the Watchdogs at the Porn Theatre. [1]Danny's early beta model.Added by JGDFDanny goes to the Bees Honey Pot searching for Judy again but the Pimps call the Watchdogs and Danny kills them but Judy is killed by the Bloodhounds that arrive. Now Danny is chased through the nearby streets and the sewer system before reaching the Auto Shop and escapes. Now Leo tells Danny that they must capture Dr. Pickman, so they break into the Project Laboratories and tie him to a chair but Pickman says a hypnotic phrase that effects Danny's head and Leo kills him by accident.

Months later, Danny and Leo are searching through old records at the TVMK Studios for something that can help them until the Bloodhounds arrive and he kills them all inside and outside the studio. Dr. Whyte turns up and injects Danny with a sedative, causing him to fall unconcious. Dr. Whyte reveals what Leo did to his family and now Danny fights Leo and many ghosts of his victims (including Michael and Pickman) inside his mind, burying his wife's body and beating Leo to death with a Shovel to rid him from his mind.

Danny then wakes up in the middle of nowhere, with no memory. He is given an envolope with a new name, David Joiner and a fresh start.

Alternate Ending

In the alternate ending, Danny locks Leo inside a cell in his mind to rot, but Leo breaks out and kills all the Legion members guarding his mind before killing Danny's personality and Leo takes full control, thus killing Daniel Lamb.

Notable Murders Committed

Session with Dr. Whyte

Файл:Daniel Lamb session


Manhunt 2





  • According to Danny's birthdate written on the game's disc and a bilboard in Assassination, Danny is 49 during the events of Manhunt 2 and 43 during the flashback episodes.
  • In the pictures at Daniel's House and safe house, he is not wearing glasses.
  • Daniel once lived in San Fierro at 114 Bay View West, San Fierro, SA 94705.
  • Danny's phone number in San Fierro was (510) 612-6736.
  • David Joiner was Daniel Lamb's name in early drafts of the game, which reappears as Daniel's new alias after the events of the game.
  • Daniel Lamb appears to be modeled after the sktech of the infamous Zodiac Killer, who committed a series of murders around the San Francisco area in 1968 - 1972.

